Hi, I'm Winston

I'm a Software Developer/Engineer in San Francisco

About Me


    Name: Winston Tsia

Since the age of 10, I've been an avid computer user, learning how to mount ISOs, and participating in peer-to-peer networks. My first encounter with the art of computer programming was during a class where I would learn about programming in C++. Since then, I've developed an avid interest in building software, with a specific interest in software engineering, databases, and information security.

Computational tools are not only scalable, but the way forward as human society tackles more complex problems, from big data and automation, to assisting human tasks especially in exploration.

Hobbies: Table Tennis, Bodybuilding/Calisthenics

Other Topics of Interest: Economics, Math, Cryptography, Philosophy


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An application that utilizes HTML and Javascript. Applies DOM manipulation.

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Daily Meme

An application using CRUD operations. Allows users to post memes using the Model View Control pattern.

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An application made in collaboration with other SE students that allows users to quiz themselves on flashcards and upload cards of their own.



Python, Javascript, Java, C++

Preferred language: Python


Docker, React, Node.js, Express, Handlebars, mongoose, MongoDB (MERN)

Web Development

I'm able to create sites from scratch and launch them to create meaningful user experiences.

Used on this site: HTML, Bootstrap

Personal Repos

Personal Repos

Check out my Github Profile for my latest activity.


LeetCode solutions in math and/or code.


Notes I offload to Github (especially computer science/mathematics) for safekeeping.

Live Medium Posts


Contact Me

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