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Sierpenski Triangle


A Sierpenski Triangle is a fractal-pattern shape, that is constructed using the following process indefinitely:

  1. Start with an equilateral triangle facing upwards.
  2. Connect the midpoints of the triangle’s sides, forming 4 smaller equilateral triangles inside.
  3. The triangle in the center is removed (leaving a hole).
  4. Repeat the above steps recursively for the three remaining triangles.
  5. Continue this process for a predetermined number of iterations.

Sample Output:

              * * 
             *   * 
            * * * * 
           *       * 
          * *     * * 
         *   *   *   * 
        * * * * * * * * 
       *               * 
      * *             * * 
     *   *           *   * 
    * * * *         * * * * 
   *       *       *       * 
  * *     * *     * *     * * 
 *   *   *   *   *   *   *   * 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Consider some equilateral triangle represented using asterisks (*), for example, for side length 4:


We may deconstruct the shape above, as well as any equilateral triangle of similar construction, into multiple ways. For example, a single character array such that it forms an array of asterisks:

char[] traingle = [*,*,*,...,*]

or a double character array like so:

char[][] triangle ] [
    [*, *, *],
    [*, *, *, ..., *],

Both yield interesting solutions to constructing our Sierpenski Triangle, detailed below.

As char[] Array

The first char array in essence, mirrors the construction of a fractal pattern like the Cantor Set, where the middle third of a length is removed. The Cantor Set functions like so,

For $n$ depth, we construct a line and remove the middle third:

_______________________ n = 0
_________     _________ n = 1
___   ___     ___   ___ n = 2
_ _   _ _     _ _   _ _ n = 3
...                     n = N

Similarly, for $n$ depth, our char array for a Sierpinski Triangle will have some length of points removed within the line. Because of the nature of the problem, we are dealing with a discrete line, of which we have to figure out what portion of the length is removed, and being able to discern the pattern of removal.

However, a unique quirk of the problem is that the removal will have to be spaced, as to print an upside-down triangle within a triangle, each line removed gets smaller as the triangle tends to the end of the char array. For example, a 4 sided triangle:


with its center removed,

 *   *
*** ***

and deconstructed, when printed from left to right, becomes:

char[] thisArray = [
    '*','*','*','*','*',' ',' ',' ','*','*','*','*',' ','*','*','*'

Example (depth = 0, 1, 2)

// depth = 0

// depth = 1
   *       *
  ***     ***
 *****   *****
******* *******

=> spaces as 0 =>

        16          7    4    5      8    3      12     1   7

Noticeably, the asterisks and spaces follow a pattern like so:

$$ ‘*’ = {16, 4, 8, 12, 7} \\ ‘\ \ ’ = {7, 5, 3, 1} $$

And for depth = 2, since it recursively iterates on the previous depth = 1 triangle, we simply remove asterisks from the same char[] array:

// depth = 2
     *   *
    *** ***
   *       *
  ***     ***
 *   *   *   *
*** *** *** ***

// old line
        16          7    4    5      8    3      12     1   7
=> spaces as 0 =>
// new line
      3     1                         3       3     1       1

As Two-Dimensional char[][] Array

