Medical Research: Methods
Source: Gil Carvalho, MD PHD
Disclaimer: Listing these tools are not condoning the legality of use for such tools.
- Research Tools
- Google Scholar
- General search compiling from different sources. The preferred method to PubMed Search.
- PubMed Search
- A source directly from an online medical research aggregator
- Sci-Hub
- A search engine for unaccessible medical research behind a paywall
- The Cochrane Library
- An aggregator of meta-analyses, and useful for comparing between national output. Top-end standard of research.
- Concepts
- Hierarchy of evidence (Descending):
- Meta-Analyses
- Clinical
- Observation
- Mechanistic
- Study Anatomy
- Abstract: Summary of findings
- Introduction: Background of the field, how research fits in
- Methods: Experimental Details
- Results: Meat of the paper
- Discussion: Implications, limitations, future work
- Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References: Self explanatory
- Pitfalls:
- Lack of proper expertise.
- Drs know everything
- Drs do not know everything, but stay receptive of expert opinion
- Drs know nothing
- reading blog articles do not equate to scientific research as information is passed through multiple cognitive filters.
- Shopping for Advice
- Leaves you vulnerable to confirmation bias
- Clinging to the 1st idea
- In order to avoid being wrong, people stay wrong
- Isolation
- Avoiding interacting with experts can lead to longer time spent finding profound insights. Use communication.
- Drs know everything
- Red Flags
- Conspiracy Theories
- Resistance/Resentment for challenging core beliefs
- Science invites scrutiny
- Lack of proper expertise.